Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera
Berikut adalah kata kunci bagi istilah istilah lam BIO yang korang kene ingat walaupun korang amik course lain can engineering...ilmu ini penting~
Bab 1
uji diri anda dengan menghuraikan istilah - istilah di bawah....uji ya jangan tak uji.
sama ada korang ingat dan tahu tak apa istilah ini~
yE! Study time! Be serius! |
Berikut adalah kata kunci bagi istilah istilah lam BIO yang korang kene ingat walaupun korang amik course lain can engineering...ilmu ini penting~
Bab 1
- Microbiology
- Taxonomy
Bab 2
- Phagocytosis
- Microscopic organism
- Meristematic Tissue
- Apical meristem
- Lateral Meristems
- Epidermal Tissue
- Parenchyma
- Collenchyma
- Scelerenchyma
- Homeostasis
Bab 3
- Hydrophilic heads
- Hydrophobic tail
- Simple difussion
- Osmosis
- Facilitated Diffusion
- Active transport
- Hypotonic
- Haemolysis
- Hypertonoc
- Isotonic
- Crenation
- Flaccid
- Plasmolysis
- Deplasmolysis
Bab 4
- Nucleic acid
- Purines
- Pyrimidines
- Adenine
- Guanine
- Thymine
- Cytosine
- Uracil
- Monosaccharides
- Disaccharides
- Polysaccharides
- Peptide
- Polypeptide
- Dipeptide
- Enzymes
- Lock and Key
- Fat~Saturated & Unsaturated
Bab 5
- Cytoplasmic division
- Nucleus Division
- Centromore
- Chromatids
- Interphase
- Homologous chromosom
- Chiasmata
Bab 6
- Autotrophic
- Heterotrophic
- Chemosynthesis
- Ohotosynthesis
- Holozoic
- Saprophytism
- Parasitism
- Malnutrition
- Ruminants
- Abomasum
- Omasum
- Reticulum
- Rodents
- Ileum
- Assimilation
- Detoxification
- Macronutrient
- Micronutrient
- Lamina
- Petiole
- Grana
- Stroma
Bab 7
- Respiration
- External R
- Internal R
- Aerobic
- Anaerobic
- Lactic acid
- Tracheae
- Tracheoles
- Spiracles
- Operculum
- Filaments
- Lamellae
- Glottis
- Bucco pharyngeal cavity
- Pharynx
- Larynx
- Epiglottis
- Alveolli
- Medulla Oblongata
- chemoreceptors
- Carotid
- Lenticles
- Stomata
- Palisade mesophyll cells-Patrick
- Spongy mesophyll cells-Spongebob
- Guard cell - Gary
- Abiotic components
- Biotic components
Bab 8
- Symbiosis
- Niche ~ not nichkun
- Colonisation
- Pioneer species
- Quadrat sampling technique
- Biodiversity
- Phylum
- Genus & Species
- Protozoa
- Nitrogen cycle
- Decomposition
- Nitrifying bacteria
- Vector
- Contagious
- Pathogens
Bab 9
- DO ~ Dissolve O2
uji diri anda dengan menghuraikan istilah - istilah di bawah....uji ya jangan tak uji.
sama ada korang ingat dan tahu tak apa istilah ini~
- Abiotic components
- Abomasum
- Active transport
- Adenine
- Aerobic
- Alveolli
- Anaerobic
- Apical meristem
- Assimilation
- Autotrophic
- Biodiversity
- Biotic components
- Bucco pharyngeal cavity
- Carotid
- Centromore
- Chemoreceptors
- Chemosynthesis
- Chiasmata
- Chromatids
- Collenchyma
- Colonisation
- Contagious
- Crenation
- Cytoplasmic division
- Cytosine
- Decomposition
- Deplasmolysis
- Detoxification
- Dipeptide
- Disaccharides
- DO ~ Dissolve O2
- Epidermal Tissue
- Enzymes
- Epiglottis
- Facilitated Diffusion
- Fat~Saturated & Unsaturated
- Filaments
- Flaccid
- Genus & Species
- Glottis
- Grana
- Guard cell - Gary
- Guanine
- Haemolysis
- Heterotrophic
- Homologous chromosom
- Homeostasis
- Holozoic
- Hydrophilic heads
- Hydrophobic tail
- Hypotonic
- Hypertonoc
- Ileum
- Isotonic
- Interphase
- Lamellae
- Lamina
- Lactic acid
- Larynx
- Lateral Meristems
- Lenticles
- Lock and Key
- Macronutrient
- Malnutrition
- Medulla Oblongata
- Meristematic Tissue
- Microbiology
- Micronutrient
- Microscopic organism
- Monosaccharides
- Niche ~ not nichkun
- Nitrogen cycle
- Nitrifying bacteria
- Nucleic acid
- Nucleus Division
- Omasum
- Operculum
- Osmosis
- Palisade mesophyll cells-Patrick
- Parasitism
- Parenchyma
- Pathogens
- Peptide
- Petiole
- Phagocytosis
- Pharynx
- Photosynthesis
- Phylum
- Protozoa
- Pioneer species
- Plasmolysis
- Polysaccharides
- Polypeptide
- Purines
- Pyrimidines
- Quadrat sampling technique
- Respiration
- Reticulum
- Rodents
- Ruminants
- Saprophytism
- Scelerenchyma
- Simple difussion
- Spiracles
- Spongy mesophyll cells-Spongebob
- Stomata
- Symbiosis
- Stroma
- Taxonomy
- Tracheae
- Tracheoles
- Thymine
- Uracil
- Vector
Thanks so much to Teacher Pn NorAziaty~